We went to a doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning. Gracie's red blood cells were too low and she needed a blood transfusion. She began to run a fever that was higher than 101.5 and that's the cut off and she had to be hospitalized. Over the past couple of days her fever has been up and down. The highest it's been is 103.3 and the lowest is 99--she is hanging in there. She's actually in a morphine haze, which I think is good. Hopefully, she won't remember too much of this. She has really bad sores in her mouth--they cover her entire mouth--it's pretty gross!! Her mouth and gums are swollen and we learned that the lesions are in her throat as well. The morphine she is on is for managing the pain from the sores. They think her mouth will start feeling better in a couple of days. She's pretty out of it. She hasn't eaten for 3 days, (Monday afternoon was the last time she ate) she started on IV food this evening.
It's so hard seeing her in so much pain. I'm too tired myself to think of something funny right now. I'm sure I'll come up with something--then I'll add it!!!
Grandpa Cluff came to visit today and brought Grace a bright sombrero from Mexico!! He brought Jessica and Jane one as well. We'll get a picture of all three of them and post it as soon as possible.
We hope this finds you well. We would be remiss if we didn't say thank you for the many care packages, food, friendship and especially your prayers. There's been so many days that the package or food or note or phone call or email was exactly what we needed. There is no way for us to thank all of you enough.
Oooh!!! Gracie's hair has begun to fall out--it's kind of weird and it doesn't hurt for it to fall out so that's a major bonus!!!! It's a bit itchy though. She's pretty sure she's going to be cute bald, we'll have to wait and see.
Have a super evening.
Adam's basketball team
8 years ago
Your family is in our prayers. We love and miss you guys. I don't even know what to say when I read what you are writing. That poor baby. You are such an amazing person! We will keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers.
Melissa K.
I know this is random, and I am a perfect stranger to you, but I wanted to tell you that your little Grace will be in my prayers tonight. I saw your blog link on Karen Balla's blog and was very touched. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Reading your posts, you seem very strong. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your family.
Sincerely, Katie Clem
This made me cry. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I wish I could help more. The packers are here at our house as I write. Know how much we are praying for you. The girls love the blog so they can see the pictures. It helps them feel like a participant. It makes their prayers about a real person not just rhetoric. We think of you often. I say when the treatments are all over you should celebrate with a trip to NYC. I happen to know a fabulous place you could stay!!!!
Well, Melissa this is your Aunt Sue and I am pretty choked up after reading "Fever Strikes". I'm not a woman of few words but as I wrote before, I really am at a loss for words. I will put a sweet vision in my head and heart of Grace playing in a park and laughing and being silly and completly free of the cancer. It will happen sweet Melissa. I remember your strong spirit and she is a part of you. We love you and we will continue with our prayers and I will continue with my sweet vision until you call me and say, "Aunt Sue, Grace is playing in the park, laughing, and she is FREE!! I LOVE YOU!!!
We are so sad to hear about the trial your family is going through right now! Little Grace is such a sweetheart. Our prayers are with you in this difficult time. We love you and wish we were closer so that we could help.
Carianne Moore
I'm so sadden by what Grace is going through. I think about her being so close in age to my little Bekah & I can't imagine going through that with her. I just wanted to let you guys know that you are in our prayers. Tell her we know she will be beautiful with or without hair, she is just so dang cute!
love, DeAnn Moore
You and your sweet family are in our prayers. We wish we could be closer to you and help you out. I know that you are both so strong and I know you are definitely getting help from all the prayers in your behalf. Give Gracie a hug from her cousins in AZ.
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